Tuesday, June 16, 2020

June 16 - David Popper (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

David Popper (16 June 1843 –7  August 1913) was a great Bohemian cellist and teacher.  There is confusion about his birth date, but many sources give it as June 16th.

[For last year's verse for Willi Boskovski click here.]




Vier kleine Stücke

He is the uncrowned king of the cello, and unfortunately this is not known by many other people than cellists. - davidpopper.com


If you’re one who plays the cello

David Popper is your fellow.


Just ask any master cellist --

David Popper is the swellest.


Learning Popper’s Cello Playing

May be daunting and dismaying.


Nothing is the least improper

In the works of David Popper.


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 [Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Tales: Great Art Repurposed.]

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