Tuesday, June 23, 2020

June 23 - Stuart Sutcliffe (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Stuart Sutcliffe (23 June 1940 – 10 April 1962) was a Scottish painter and musician better known as the original bass guitarist of the Beatles. Sutcliffe left the band to pursue his career as a painter.

[For last year's sad little verse on Carl Reinecke click here.] 














Hello, Goodbye

"While Sutcliffe is often described in Beatles' biographies as appearing very uncomfortable onstage, and often playing with his back to the audience, their drummer at the time, Best, denies this, recalling Sutcliffe as usually good-natured and "animated" before an audience." -- Wikipedia

Stuart Sutcliffe hid his face 

When on the stage and playing bass.

For his painting and his girl, he

Left the Beatles rather early.

Tragically, this shy young Stu

Died when not quite twenty-two.

Died in Hamburg, after fainting

In a classroom learning painting.

Perhaps it’s just as well, I guess,

He never saw his mates’ success.




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