Monday, June 29, 2020

June 29 - Nelson Eddy (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Nelson Eddy (29 June 1901 – 6 March 1967) was an American baritone singer and actor. 

[For last year's tribute to Frank Loesser click here.] 

















Sweet Mystery of Life

“When he resumed his concert career following his screen success, he made a point of delivering a traditional concert repertoire, performing his hit screen songs only as encores. He felt strongly that audiences needed to be exposed to all kinds of music.” -- Wikipedia

Nelson Eddy, in his career,

Sang it all, or pretty near.

Starting in the opera house -

Wagner, Verdi, Richard Strauss,

And, you’ll be surprised know,

He gave atonal Berg a go.

Though his stage career was steady,

Who can blame young Nelson Eddy,

If he left it all behind him

When the movie moguls signed him.

But in the end, as at the start,

He heard the urging of his heart

And served the higher things in art.

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