Friday, July 24, 2020

July 24 - Adolphe Adam (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Adolphe Adam (24 July 1803 – 3 May 1856) was a French composer and music critic. 

[For last year's item on Peter Serkin click here.] 












O Night Divi-i-i-ine: Variations on a Theme


When asked, he was always polite,

And kindly replied, ‘You are right,

Indeed, ma’am, I am

Monsieur Adolphe Adam,

The composer of ‘O Holy Night’”.


Whene’er the occasion befell,

Adam thought it perfectly swell

That folks on the street

Might be eager to meet

The composer of “Cantique de Noël”.

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