Friday, August 14, 2020

August 14 - Steve Martin; Sarah Brightman (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Steve Martin (b. 14 August 1945) is an American actor, comedian, author, filmmaker, and musician. 

[For last year's verse on Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji click here.]


Steve Martin, Banjo

When he was young he often spoke

Of banjo playing as a joke,

But now he’s older and more serious

And he admits he gets delirious

Playing with a bluegrass band

At festivals throughout the land.

And if you doubt he’s reached the top he

Even plays the Grand Ole Opry,

And lest you think it’s all a sham he

Even won a Bluegrass Grammy.





Sarah Brightman (b.14 August 1960) is a British soprano best known for her work with Andrew Lloyd Webber.



















A Couple for a Power Couple

(i) She Said

Sarah Brightman and Lloyd Webber

Had tremendous hits together.

At the right time find that right man

For success like Sarah Brightman.

(ii) He Said

When Andrew heard Sarah

He said with a glow

“It’s a voice that can bear a

Whole West End show.”

But what are the odds

That Fate will hand you

A muse from the gods

As happened to Andrew?




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 [Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Tales: Great Art Repurposed.]






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