Tuesday, May 25, 2021

May 25 - Moritz of Hesse-Kassel (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 25th may be found here:  Beverly Sills (2019) and Hal David (2020)



Moritz [Maurice] of Hesse-Kassel (25 May 1572 – 15 March 1632), also called Maurice the Learned, was the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel).   















Politics and Art

“Having studied music with the court Kapellmeister Georg Otto, he took a deep interest in all of the arts and gained a reputation as a great patron of enlightened views and noble generosity….  He was the patron of Heinrich Schütz. … He wrote much sacred music and some instrumental pieces.” -- Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians


In 1605, Maurice was raised Lutheran, but became Calvinist and entered the Thirty Years’ War on the Protestant side. Maurice's actions ruined Hesse-Kassel financially. In 1627 he abdicated in favour of his son William V. --- adapted from Wikipedia

Life at the court was not a hassle,

   Where music was concernéd,

For Moritz, the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel,

   Known as Moritz the Learned.

In musical skills, so fully trained

   (Astonishment increases)

It’s said no Landgrave ever reigned

   Who wrote so many pieces.

He loved his art so much that it

   Became his best diversion,

But ruined his dear Landgraviate

   By Calvinist conversion.

It got so bad, I mean the way

   The Landgraviate was run,

He abdicated one sad day

    In favor of his son.

Scholarly Moritz earns our praise

   For “noble generosity,”

But he got lost within a maze

  Of rash religiosity.



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