Sunday, June 13, 2021

June 13 - Anton Wranitzky [Antonín Vranický] (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 13th are found here: Carlos Chávez (2019) and Ede Poldini (2020)



Anton Wranitzky [Antonín Vranický] (13 June 1761 – 6 August 1820), was a Czech violinist and composer. He was a pupil of Mozart, Haydn, and Albrechtsberger.















Sibling Quibbling 

He didn’t have a famous dad,

  He had a humble mother;

But Anton Wranizky knew he had

  A much more famous brother.

They had their fame (it wasn’t bad,

  With one thing and another) --

But few today (it’s kind of sad)

  Know one bro from the other.





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