Sunday, June 20, 2021

June 20 - Joseph Martin Krause; Chet Atkins (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous postings for June 20th are found here: Jacques Offenbach (2019) and (2020)


Joseph Martin Kraus (20 June 1756 – 15 December 1792), was a German composer who moved to Sweden at age 21, and died at the age of 36 in Stockholm.  Because his lifespan corresponds almost exactly with Mozart's, he has received the nickname "the Swedish Mozart."















Joseph Martin Kraus was told,

  “Gustav the Third promotes art.”

He moved to Sweden and, Behold!

  Became the “Swedish Mozart.”


Chet Atkins (20 June 1924 – 30 June 2001) was an American country guitar player and record producer.















But Who’s Listening?


Rolling Stone credited Atkins with inventing the "popwise 'Nashville sound' that rescued country music from a commercial slump... --- Wikipedia 


He recorded smooth jazz guitar still played on American airwaves today. --- Wikipedia  

Chet Atkins, who played his guitar

  With a “popwise ‘Nashville sound’”

Is still on air where there are

  “Smooth jazz” adult stations around.




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