Saturday, January 15, 2022

January 15 - Charo (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 15th are here: Ivor Novello; Gene Krupa (2020)



Charo (born sometime between 1941 and 1951 on perhaps on 16 January), is a Spanish-American  actress, singer, comedienne and flamenco guitarist. 















Adapting to Your Environment

In an interview, she said, "Around the world I am known as a great musician. But in America I am known as the cuchi-cuchi girl. That’s okay, because cuchi-cuchi has taken me all the way to the bank.” —- Wikipedia  

I’ve read reports that sometimes Charo

Felt a wistful sort of sorrow,

About her dubious position;

The world accepted her ambition

To have a career as a musician,

But in the States, it was a phrase,

That cause a “cuchi-cuchi” craze.

The fad, of course, was just a phase

But in sedater later days

She had these syllables to thank

For lots of money in the bank.



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