Sunday, January 2, 2022

January 2 - Roger Miller (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 2nd are here: Mily Balakirev; Michael Tippet; Gardner Read (2020) and Eric Whitacre (2021)


Roger Miller  (2 January 1936 – 25 October 1992) was an American singer-songwriter, musician, and actor, widely known for his honky-tonk-influenced novelty songs. 









Career Moves

He later began a recording career and reached the peak of his fame in the mid-1960s, continuing to record and tour into the 1990s, charting his final top 20 country hit in 1982. - adapted from Wikipedia

Roger Miller’s country sound

Was honky-tonk, and not profound,

But sentiment worn on the sleeve

Is sometimes easiest to believe.

He played the down home country part

With modest self-effacing art;

And though hit quirky hits weren’t numerous

They’re pleasant, down-to-earth, and humorous.

But just as in a country song

You cannot stay on top for long.

No one on this earth resists

Life’s ups and downs, life’s turn and twists.

And did it soothed him just a bit

To sometimes have a minor hit,

Reminding him of how before he

Used to bask in country glory?



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