Monday, April 11, 2022

April 11 - Joel Grey (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous postings for April 11th may be found here: Alberto Ginastera (2019), Louise Reichardt (2020), and Alberto Ginastera (2021)



Joel Grey (b. 11 April 1932) is an American actor, singer, dancer, photographer and theater director.  
















Variations on a Theme; or, The Same Thing Twice


However assessed,

Joel Grey has been blessed

     On Broadway and the silver screen;

But that being said, it’s

Only one of his credits

     That the average consumer has seen.


Joel Grey, by any measure,

Had an acting career to treasure,

      No doubt it gives him pleasure to this day.

But does it ever gall him

That we currently recall him 

For that creepy music hall in Cabaret?





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