Saturday, April 23, 2022

April 23 - Sergei Prokofiev (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for April 23rd may be found here: Ruggero Leoncavallo (2019), Sergei Prokofiev (2020), and Robert Fayrfax (2021)



Sergei Prokofiev (23 April [recte 27] 1891 – 5 March 1953) was  Soviet Russian pianist, composer, and conductor. (NB. He believed his birthday to be April 23rd, but it was discovered after his death, that he was actually born on the 27th.]





















Suite from Romeo and Juliet; or, Picking and Choosing Your Poison

A suite from a famous ballet

Gives orchestras something to play,

And doesn’t require

That they play it entire, ---

Instead, it’s a kind of buffet.



War and Peace

Over seventy characters are listed in the libretto… – Wikipedia

When an opera is cast with a throng,

The sound that they make will be strong;

War and Peace has a cast

Which is famously vast,

Singing salvos of Soviet song.




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