Monday, June 13, 2022

June 13 - Anton Eberl (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 13th are found here: Carlos Chávez (2019), Ede Poldini (2020), and Anton Wranitzky (2021)



Anton Eberl (13 June 1765 – 11 March 1807) was an Austrian composer, teacher, and pianist.  He was part of the Mozart circle and a close friend of Beethoven.





















His charming and elegant music deserves to be remembered in its own right: it engages in remarkably imaginative and experimental formal innovations, developing the Viennese Classical style beyond the point at which Mozart had left it, picking up where he had left off.  – Wikipedia

But lately Eberl has been making a posthumous comeback. – Wikipedia

Anton Eberl, Viennese,

Hung around with guys like these, –

Mozart, Beethoven, Salieri –

Which should caution the unwary:

There are some, in death ignored,

Even though, in life, they soared.

Yet whose music when explored

Is sufficient to awaken

Nagging thoughts we were mistaken.

Will his work be resurrected?

Will it languish, still neglected?

Scholars who have tried to save

Eberl’s works beyond the grave

Made editions and assessed

That his works rank with the best.

Still, I doubt we’ll find this man in

Anybody’s concert canon.




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