Tuesday, June 21, 2022

June 21 - Henry Holden Huss; Louis Krasner (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 21th are found here: Alois Hába (2019), Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (2020), and Lalo Schifrin (2021)


Henry Holden Huss (21 June 1862 - 17 September 1953) was an American composer, pianist, and music teacher.























As a composer, he was regarded as one of the best of his generation by those who counted, but unfortunately, it was at a time when American composers could rarely get a hearing for their works. – Wikipedia

There’s no one now to make a fuss

For Mr. Henry Holden Huss.

He lived for over ninety years,

Was well regarded by his peers,

And yet he is unknown to us,

This Mr. Henry Holden Huss.




Louis Krasner (21 June 1903 – 4 May 1995) was an American classical violinist. After his solo career he was concertmaster of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra for a time, and had several important teaching positions.














Double Limerick

He premiered the violin concertos of both Berg and Schoemberg, and championed works of Casella, Cowell, Sessions, and Roy Harris. - based on Wikipedia


The fervor which Krasner conveyed

In a career that became a crusade,

Was fueled by a creed

That believed in the need

For Schoenberg and Berg to be played.


There were those who would grumble, but stayed.

There were those who just mumbled and prayed.

There were those of a breed

That was frail and weak-kneed,

Who listened but needed first aid.




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