Saturday, September 24, 2022

September 24 - Jean-Louis Lully (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 24th are here: John Rutter; Václav Nelhýbel (2019), John Rutter; Anthony Newley (2020), and John Rutter (2021)



Jean-Louis Lully (24 September 1667 – 23 December 1688) was a French musician and composer, and the youngest son of Jean-Baptiste Lully.















Too Early

On 8 June 1687 he succeeded his father as surintendant and compositeur de la musique de la chambre du roi and he was nominated for another of his father's posts, Director of the Opera.  Because he was only 20 years old, however, the decision was postponed and was never ratified before he died the following year. His skill as a composer is unknown, in part because most of the works bearing his name were collaborations. — Wikipedia

Jean-Louis was meant

   To take his father’s place,

But Fate had no intent

   To let that take place.

Was he any good?

    The fact is no one knows,

But here is how things stood

    When his father bashed his toes:

As J.-L. came of age,

    His work yet unbegun,

He turned his final page

    And died at twenty-one.



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