Thursday, September 24, 2020

September 24 - John Rutter; Anthony Newley (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

John Rutter (b. 24 September 1945) is a well-known and prolific choral conductor, composer, and arranger.

 [For last year's verses on John Rutter and Václav Nelhýbel click here.]



Boy, What Day Is This?

When you need a Christmas carol

Rutter has them by the barrel.

Pleasant, peppy, slightly skittish,

And, of course, extremely British.






Anthony Newley (24 September 1931 – 14 April 1999) was an English actor, singer and songwriter.



Sing Along

“On a wonderful day like today”

  Try singing some Anthony Newley,

His songs are vivacious, but they

   Are never debauched or unruly.












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