Sunday, September 6, 2020

September 6 - Anton Diabelli (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Anton Diabelli (5 or 6 September 1781 – 7 April 1858) was an important Austrian music publisher and minor composer.

[For last year's tributes to Manfred Gurlitt and Sylvester click here.]

















Beware the Ides; or, I’d Rather not

“In 1819, as a promotional idea, [Diabelli] decided to try to publish a volume of variations on a "patriotic" waltz he had penned expressly for this purpose, with one variation by every important Austrian composer living at the time, as well as several significant non-Austrians. Fifty-one composers responded with pieces.  Beethoven, however, instead of providing just one variation, provided 33.” -- condensed from Wikipedia

Diabelli, to provide

A contribution to the pride

Of Austrians on every side,

Wrote a waltz which he supplied

To all of those most qualified

Among composers nationwide.

These skilled musicians soon complied,

And took the theme to be their guide;

It almost seemed as if they vied

To give him an unending tide

Of variations as they tried

To be the one most bona fide,

Most clever, or most dignified.


But Beethoven, unsatisfied,

By what they wrote, (which he decried

As meretricious, cut and dried,

And lifeless as formaldehyde),

Took the chosen waltz in stride

He gave the little theme a ride.

His fertile brain, when it had pried

The theme for all that it implied,

And plumbed new meaning deep inside,

Found variations multiplied.

Diabelli heard, and cried,

To hear his theme thus sanctified.




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