Thursday, September 10, 2020

September 10 - Henry Purcell (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Henry Purcell (c. 10 September 1659 – 21 November 1695) was one of the greatest British composers.  We do not actually know the date or even the year of his birth, but today has been suggested based on slight evidence, and since we have to celebrate his birth sometime, it might as well be today.

[For last year's limericks on Purcell click here.] 


Two Reversals

#1 - Stressed Out

A strange and unexplained reversal

Affects the name of Henry Purcell;

People cannot seem to quell

The urge to say his name “PurCELL.”

Purcell made a fuss unless his

Name received the proper stresses.

#2 - Trumpet Involuntary


"For many years the piece was attributed incorrectly to Clarke's elder and more widely known contemporary Henry Purcell. The misattribution emanated from an arrangement for organ published in the 1870s..." - Wikipedia

How sad for Jeremiah Clarke,

Who wrote a march that made a mark,

Fate arranged a cruel reversal,

And gave the fame to Henry Purcell.








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