Monday, September 21, 2020

September 21 - Leonard Cohen (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Leonard Cohen (21 September 1934 – 7 November 2016) was a Canadian singer, songwriter, poet, and novelist. 

[For last year's thoughts on Gustav Holst and Billy Porter click here.]













 Let’s Talk about Sex, Baby

“[The book] received good reviews but did not sell particularly well, setting yet another precedent for Cohen’s future career." -

“I think it’s a good song, but I think too many people sing it.” -- Leonard Cohen on "Hallelujah", to the Guardian


“Do Republicans Know ‘Hallelujah’ is about Sex?” - Headline at

*      *     *     *     *     *

In spite of the fact that there wasn’t much dough in

Releasing a song by the late Leonard Cohen,

His label's reward was the praise that would flow in.

The single exception, a really big deal,

Was when Hallelujah’s relentless appeal

Spawned dozens of covers that cloy and congeal.

The throngs who have heard it aver that they feel

That something inside them compels them to kneel.

And while on their knees, while they pay their respects,

Apparently none of them ever suspects

That the lyrics they’re hearing are all about sex.




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