Tuesday, September 15, 2020

September 15 - Jessye Norman; Horatio Parker (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Jessye Norman (15 September 1945 – 30 September 2019) was a great American dramatic soprano.

[For last year's limerick on Bobby Short click here.] 









Sing Out!

Said a tenor who had to perform in

An intimate scene with Ms. Norman,

“I know, when she’s near me,

That no one can hear me,

So I yell like a bloody longshoreman.”


Horatio Parker (15 September 1863 – 18 December 1919) was a distinguished American composer, organist and teacher, not largely remembered as one of Charles Ives's composition teachers

Parker Pen

Professor Horatio Parker

Got out his indelible marker,

“It gives me the hives

To work with young Ives,

And I wish that my marker were darker!”















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