Friday, September 6, 2019

September 6 - Manfred Gurlitt; Sylvester (The Musical Birthday Series)

Manfred Gurlitt (6 September 1890 – 29 April 1972) was a German opera composer and conductor. One of his operas was quite successful and is discussed below. 

Ein guter Mensch

When Manfred Gurlitt cast around 
For a plot to make his name,
Wozzeck was the play he found —
Yes, THAT Wozzeck, yes the same.

Though his work had some success,
Recorded in the opera annals,
Little did Herr Gurlitt guess
Fame would take such different channels.


Sylvester (6 September 1947 – 16 December 1988) was a singer-song writer with several major disco hits.


If you danced the disco beat, 
Lighted floor beneath your feet,
If you  boogied thru the nights
Underneath the mirrored lights,

If the Disco Heat was real
(Mighty Real) and made you feel
That you’d really wanna funk,
(Yes, you were a little drunk),

If all this is true of you,
Then you felt the feeling too -
Maybe your libido hurt,
In your frilled tuxedo shirt,
As Sylvester’s music drowned you
In the spinning night around you.

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