Monday, September 9, 2019

September 9 - Pierre-Laurent Aimard; Michael Bublé (The Musical Birthday Series)

Pierre-Laurent Aimard (b. 9 September 1957) is one of the most admired and ambitious pianists of our time.

Pierre-Shaped Tones

Pierre-Laurent Aimard, who finds
  Relentless exploration 
Of music’s avant-gardist minds
  A pleasant recreation,
Performs Xenakis and Boulez,
  And when the program’s done,
He turns to us and blithely says,
  “I told you it was fun.”


Michael Bublé (b. 9 September 1975) is a singer specializing in American songbook standards.


While you may not much care either way,
I know there are thoughts yea and nay
When considering MB:
His signature charm
Can morph into smarm;
He’s not very subtle
(That brooks no rebuttal);
But still he can sing
With a Vegasy swing,
And I admit I’ve been held in his sway.

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