Thursday, September 19, 2019

September 19 - Cass Elliot; Rex Smith (The Musical Birthday Series)

Cass Elliot (19 September 1941 – 29 July 1974) is best known as a member of The Mamas and the Papas.

Rex Smith (b. 19 September 1955) was a teen idol who later became an actor.

Mors Morsel

That apocryphal cause of her death -
That sandwich they found by her side -
Alas, you’ll be wasting your breath
Explaining that’s not she died.

You can prove that it’s simply untrue,
Repeat and repeat ‘til you’re weary,
But you’ll have to acknowledge that you
Can’t beat a conspiracy theory.

Poor Wandering One

Rex Smith had looks,
But not much talent.
To bring it up
Might be ungallant,
But if you’re doing
G and S,
You should learn to sing,
I’d guess.

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