Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September 3 - Dorothy Maynor; Thurston Dart (The Musical Birthday Series)

Dorothy Maynor (3 September 1910 – 9 February 1996) was an American soprano, concert singer, arts administrator.

The Maynor Attraction

Dorothy Maynor, pioneer,
Had a most distinguished career.
Then she built a school for arts
In New York City’s poorer parts.
And for this work received degrees
From several universities.


Thurston Dart  (3 September 1921 – 6 March 1971), was an English musicologist, conductor, and keyboard player. 

Fortune's Dart

Harpsichordist Thurston Dart
Was a most important part
  Of the Early Music Revival.
And his long productive career
Of records pressed by Oiseaux Lyre
  Ensure’s his work's survival

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