Sunday, February 12, 2023

February 12 - Thomas Campion; Roy Harris (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 12th are here: Thomas Campion (2020), (2021), Thomas Campion; Julian Scriabin (2022)



Thomas Campion (12 February 1567 – 1 March 1620) was a composer, poet, and physician.






















Best Wishes


While Campion had attained a considerable reputation in his own day, in the years that followed his death his works sank into complete oblivion. -- Wikipedia 


When musicians were moved to revisit

   The work of Campion (Thomas’s),

They found that his songs were exquisite,

    Fulfilling all their promises.

Though you cannot control your demise,

   Or argue with posterity,,

With luck you’ll be one of those guys

   With posthumous popularity.




Roy Harris (12 February 1898 – 1 October 1979) was an prominent American composer. 





















Truth in Labeling

It was his Symphony No. 3, however, first performed by Koussevitsky in 1939, which proved to be the composer's biggest breakthrough and made him practically a household name -- Wikipedia

I wouldn’t embarrass

Composer Roy Harris,

But I’ll say all the same

That he’s no “household name”.



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