Sunday, February 19, 2023

February 19 - Elfrida Andrée; Luigi Boccherini (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 19th are here: Luigi Boccherini (2020), Adelina Patti (2021), and Elfrida Andrée; Tobias Matthay (2023)



Elfrida Andrée (19 February 1841 – 11 January 1929), was a Swedish organist, composer, and conductor. 






















On the Radio 1

The classical stations now play

The works of Elfrida Andrée,

And though no one would gauge her

As important or major,

She deserves to be heard in this way.





Luigi Boccherini (19 February 1743 – 28 May 1805) was an Italian cello and extremely prolific composer, mostly for his instrument.





















On the Radio 2

If benign Boccherini were odder,

Or his musical style were broader,

He wouldn’t be found

To so amply abound

As classical radio fodder.



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