Saturday, April 22, 2023

April 22 - Alfred Burt (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for April 22rd may be found here: Alfred Burt (2019), Ethel Smyth (2021), Joshua Rifkin, and Glen Campbell (2021), and Giuseppe Torelli (2022)



Alfred Burt (22 April 1920 – 7 February 1954) was an American jazz musician who is best known for composing the music for fifteen Christmas carols on family cards between 1942 and 1954.




















Caroling, Caroling


Only one of the carols was performed in public outside his immediate family circle during his lifetime. -- Wikipedia 

Although it’s not December now

  Take this as your alert

To sit up and remember now

  The work of Alfred Burt.

The carols from his yearly cards

   Were just a private whim,

Conveying holiday regards

  To kith and kin from him.

He never dreamt that they would be

  Belov’d and much recorded,

Or of the family legacy

  These little gifts afforded.



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