Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18 - Jeanette MacDonald (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 18th are found here: Johann Stamitz (2019), Paul McCartney (2020), Jeanette MacDonald (2021), and Prince Gustaf, Duke of Uppland (2022)


Jeanette MacDonald (18 June 1903 –14 January 1965) was an American singer and actress best remembered for her musical films of the 1930s and 40s.





















Four Limericks for Jeannette MacDonald


She finally landed a starring role in Yes, Yes, Yvette in 1927.   Planned as a sequel to No, No, Nanette, the show toured extensively, but failed to please the critics when it arrived on Broadway. – Wikipedia

She was acting in Yes, Yes, Yvette,

The sequel to No, No, Nanette,

At a point in her career

When she deigned to appear

In any old thing she could get.


In the first rush of sound films during 1929 and 1930, MacDonald starred in six films—the first four for Paramount Studios. -- Wikipedia

She lived at the cusp of the age

When the film overshadowed the stage,

An advisor said, “Honey,

Just follow the money,

Start earning a Hollywood wage.”


She looked at the augurs and guessed

That success could be found in the West,

So she traversed the Rockies

To be in the talkies,

And the rest, as they say, is the rest!


An annual poll of film exhibitors listed MacDonald as one of the top-10 box-office draws of 1936, and many of her films were among the top-20 moneymakers of the years they were released. – Wikipedia

Her movies made quite an impression

On folks in the 30s Depression

When they went to the Roxy

In Des Moines or Biloxi

For a Saturday celluloid session.



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