Friday, June 16, 2023

June 16 - Helen Traubel (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 16th are found here: Willi Boskovsky (2019), David Popper (2020), Henryk Czyż (2021), and Helen Traubel (2022)



Helen Traubel (16 June 1899 – 28 July 1972) was an American opera and concert singer best known for her Wagner roles. Starting in the 1950s, she also developed a career as a nightclub and cabaret singer as well as appearing in television, films and musical theater.


Madam, I'm Adam

After her Met career, she appeared on Broadway in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Pipe Dream, playing a bordello madame with a heart of gold and the voice of Isolde.  - adapted from Wikipedia

Imagine the innocent fellow

Who goes to his local bordello

And is met at the door

By a Rubenesque whore

In a healthy Wagnerian bellow.





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