Tuesday, June 27, 2023

June 27 - Johann Nepomuk Wendt (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 27th are found here: Anna Moffo (2019), Frank Mills (2020), Mildred J. Hill (2021), and Friedrich Silcher (2022)


Johann Nepomuk Wendt (27 June 1745 - 3 July 1801) was a Czech composer and oboist. 













Second Hand Rose

Bekanntheit erlangte Wendt vor allem durch seine Harmoniemusiken für Mozarts Opern Die Entführung aus dem Serail, Così fan tutte, Die Zauberflöte und Don Giovanni. Wikipedia

Harmonie designates an ensemble of wind instruments (usually about five to eight players) employed by an aristocratic patron in the 18th century. – Wikipedia

Johann Nepomuk Wendt

Has had to be content

With secondary fame,

To which he staked a claim

Transcribing Mozart sources

For Harmonie wind forces.


There isn’t much fame,

   But also little danger,

When making your name

   As a clever arranger.




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