Friday, July 21, 2023

July 21 - Franz Schoberlechner (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for July 21st are here: Isaac Stern (2019), Cat Stevens (2020), Plas Johnson (2021), and Isaac Stern (2022)



Franz Schoberlechner (21 July 1797 - 7 Jan 1843) was an Austrian pianist and composer whose wrote in several European cities.





















O namenlose Freude!

It was an awful shame

That Schoberlechner’s name

Required an extra fee

To get a new I.D.

When at the DMV.

His name had such a lot

Of letters that the slot

For printing it was not

Long enough to fit it,

And so they had to split it

Before they could admit it.

I hope, by now, that you

Have said, “That can’t be true!

The tale’s anachronistic,”

One needn’t be a mystic

To see through my linguistic

Play with the appellatives

Of Germans and their relatives.



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