Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 24 - Stephen Paulus (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 24th are here: Théodore Dubois (2019), Stephen Paulus (2020), Mason Williams (2021), Jean-Michel Jarre (2022), and Théodore Dubois (2023)



Stephen Paulus (24 August 1949 – 19 October 2014) was an American composer best known for his vocal music.




















Pentameters for Paulus

Our calendars with yearly promptings call us

To celebrate the work of Stephen Paulus.

Let mingled voices raise their grateful sound

With limpid lyrics, simple and profound.

The dawn’s uncertain when the day is done,

But Stephen with his choral strains has spun

A fabric which our gathered choral throng

Unfurls with careful dignity of song.

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