Friday, August 23, 2024

August 23 - Carl Dolmetsch (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 23rd are here: Malvina Reynolds (2019), Gene Kelly (2020), Ernst Krenek; Moritz Moszkowski (2021), Mark Russell (2022), and Bob Crosby; Roy Agnew (2023)



Carl Dolmetsch (23 August 1911 – 11 July 1997) was a English recorder virtuoso.













If anybody deserved the nickname "Mr Recorder", it was Carl Dolmetsch, for the world-wide popularity of the instrument in schools is largely due to his influence. – Obituary in Independent (14 July 1997)

Carl Dolmetsch took the stage

Before recorders were the rage.

It was the premise of a kind of rebel,

This notion that this lowly treble

Instrument could hold its own,

(And wasn’t just a flutophone).



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