Saturday, September 21, 2024

September 21 - Gustav Holst (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 21st are here: Gustav Holst; Billy Porter (2019), Leonard Cohen (2020), Gustav Holst (2021), Gustav Holst (2022), and Gustav Holst (2023)



Gustav Holst (21 September 1874 – 25 May 1934) was an English composer, arranger and teacher.


















Carefully Taught

"Here he did away with the childish sentimentality which schoolgirls were supposed to appreciate and substituted Bach and Vittoria; a splendid background for immature minds."  Vaughan Williams on Holst at St Paul's Girls' School 

The bright young women of St. Paul’s

   Weren’t patronized or coddled.

The music in their music halls

   Was oh so nobly modeled,

For Holst considered and assessed

   That music’s finest pearls

Should find a place within the breast

   Of proper English girls.

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