Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 22 - Dave Dreyer (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 22nd are here: Debby Boone (2019), Andrea Bocelli; Anton Filtz (2020), Arthur Pryor (2021), Michael Torke (2022), and Michael Torke (2023)


Dave Dreyer (22 September 1894 –1 March 1967) was an American pianist and composer of popular songs, now chiefly remembered for his song "Me and My Shadow."




















Box Office Royalty

Jolson was often given credits on sheet music so he could earn more by popularizing the tunes, but he played no part in writing this song. – Wikipedia, s.v. “Me and My Shadow”

When you wrote a Jolson song

You’d find his shadow tagged along,

For if he sang your song on stage

The credits on the title page

Would list him as a co-creator –

That’s how it worked in the theāter.

And Jolson got the extra perk,

Of partial credit for the work.


He made your song a hit, so heck,

Accept the facts, and split the check!



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