Wednesday, September 22, 2021

September 22 - Arthur Pryor (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 22nd are here: Debby Boone (2019) and Andrea Bocelli; Anton Filtz (2020)



Arthur Pryor (22 September 1869 – 18 June 1942) was an internationally known American trombone virtuoso, bandleader, and long-time member of the Sousa band























Once while in Germany, all the trombonists of the German Army bands were ordered to hear him play. They were so amazed at his playing that they insisted on taking his trombone apart, refusing to believe that it was natural. Finally one German said: "No one can play so well. It is a Yankee trick." -- Wikipedia

It’s rare indeed to be well known

For mastering the slide trombone;

But Pryor, with the Sousa band,

Stood up, and played, and took command,

And gave the world a masterclass

On virtuoso lower brass.

The Germans, when they heard his licks,

Concluded it was Yankee tricks,

And took his whole trombone apart

To learn what set his tone apart.

What he achieved with lips and slides

Can still be heard on record sides,

And players to this day aspire

To play trombone like Arthur Pryor.



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