Wednesday, September 15, 2021

September 15 - Frank Martin (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 15th are here: Bobby Short(2019) and Jessye Norman; Horatio Parker (2020)



Frank Martin (15 September 1890 – 21 November 1974) was a Swiss composer, who spent much of his life in the Netherlands.

N.B. Although his name looks German or English, it is pronounced as if it were French.














Having It Both Ways

Perhaps you’re one of those who can

Hum the tunes of Frank Martin, --

But if you’re not, his sober style

May confuse you for a while,

Because, while using twelve-tone rows,

He never ceases to compose

Without some tonal point of reference

(Which wouldn’t have been Schoenberg’s preference!).

It’s no surprise, because the Swiss

Were neutral in more ways than this.





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