Wednesday, September 29, 2021

September 29 - Madeline Kahn; Maria Hester Park (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 29th are here: Richard Bonynge; Gene Autry (2019) and Vincent Lübeck (2020)



Madeline Kahn (29 September 1942 – 3 December 1999) was an American actor, comedian and singer, known for comedic roles.













This started out to be a verse

  That Madeleline Kahn inspired;

It ended up absurdly terse,

  Because, you see, “I’m tired.”




Maria Hester Park (29 September 1760 – 7 June 1813) was a British composer, pianist, and singer.















A Truth Universally Acknowledged


It has been said of Maria Hester Park that she was "hugely popular in the elegant drawing rooms of eighteenth century England" and that she "made her living composing the sort of music performed by Jane Austen heroines." -- Diana Ambache, as qtd. in Wikipedia

When heroines in Austen dote

  On music of the kind that

Maria Hester Park once wrote,

  Their guardians don’t mind that.

Her pieces didn’t strain to be

  Romantic or outlandish,

In fact, it was a plus that she

   Was anodyne and blandish.




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