Sunday, September 26, 2021

September 26 - William L. Dawson; Fritz Wunderlich (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 26th are here: George Gershwin (2019) and (2020)



William L. Dawson (26 September 1899 – 2 May 1990) was an American composer, choir director, and professor.















Spiritual Exercise

The Tuskegee Institute Choir

Gave concerts for all to admire;

And William L. Dawson

Was able to toss in

Arrangements to move and inspire.







Fritz Wunderlich (26 September 1930 – 17 September 1966) was a German lyric tenor, especially admired for his Mozart singing. He died in a still-mysterious accident at 35. 














Wunderlich, a tenor god,

   Was dead at 35,

He had an accident so odd

   That rumors still survive.

But to this day each loyal friend

    Is eager to debunk

The story that he met his end

    By falling down while drunk.



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