Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5 - John Cage; Giacomo Meyerbeer (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 5th are here: John Cage; Giacomo Meyerbeer (2019), John Cage (2020), Johann Christian Bach (2021), John Cage (2022), and John Cage (2023)



John Cage (September 5, 1912 – August 12, 1992) was one of the leading composers of the mid-twentieth century avant-garde in music.















Doing as Your Told

Mr. Cage doubled down on his stance,

“I am merely the plaything of chance!

For my trusty I Ching

Has commanded that spring

Should be spent with Parisians in France.”






Giacomo Meyerbeer (5 September 1791 – 2 May 1864) was perhaps the most successful opera composer of the nineteenth century. 















I’d like to take a moment here

To celebrate old Meyerbeer,

Whose work has never been expunged

No matter how his brand has plunged.

Therefore, here I take my stand, –

I think his shows are mighty grand!

And if five acts seem slightly much

Of spectacle, ballets, and such,

There’s plenty there to entertain

And loosen up a furrowed brain.

So check your mind’s important functions!

Enjoy the show without compunctions

While savoring his crass delights!

Save Wagner’s Rites for other nights!




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