Thursday, September 19, 2024

September 19 - Ernest Tomlinson (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 19th are here: Cass Elliot; Rex Smith (2019), Karen Khachaturian (2020), Fred Ahlert; Paul Williams (2021), Brian Epstein; Carl Ignaz Franz Umlauf (2022), and Trisha Yearwood; Leo VI the Wise (2023)



Ernest Tomlinson (19 September 1924 – 12 June 2015) was an English composer, particularly noted for his light music compositions. 
















Charge of the Light Brigade

In 1984, after discovering that the BBC were disposing of their light music archive, Tomlinson founded The Library of Light Orchestral Music, which is housed in a barn at his family's farmhouse in Lancashire.  — Wikipedia

At the start of the 1990s it really did seem as if the library in the barn was a bit of a white elephant…. Then came the change. A phone call about a projected series of CDs on the Marco Polo label. The provisional title was British Light Music. Thus began the revival of interest in Light Music that gave such happiness to ET’s later years. The existence of the library was triumphantly vindicated. – adapted from

They must have felt the chance was slight 

That hobbyists or scholars might

Be interested in stuff so trite;

The music, after all, was light.

But Tomlinson declared that he

Would get it from the BBC

And keep the music’s fragile charms

Forever safe from further harms.

It’s easy to ignore or sneer

At artifacts from yesteryear,

And yet, how prudent to archive it

In case the future might revive it.

And though a barn is not a place

That brings to mind archival space,

The thought, I think, is rather splendid

Though never for this use intended.

Replace the erstwhile stalls and stables

With shelves, and chairs, and ample tables,

And scholars will, instead of horses,

Employ the former barns resources

As fodder for their graduate courses.





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