Tuesday, September 3, 2024

September 3 - Ferdinand Zellbell the Younger (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 3rd are here: Dorothy Maynor; Thurston Dart (2019), Adriano Banchieri (2020), Jo Ann Castle (2021), Knut Nystedt (2022), and Pietro Locatelli (2023)


Ferdinand Zellbell the Younger (bapt. 3 September 1719 - 21 April 1780) was a Swedish composer, organist, harpsichordist, violinist, conductor and teacher. He was a co-founder of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music.  -- swedishmusicalheritage.com













Hark, How the Zellbells

Arguably his most accomplished composition is an opera, Il Giudizio d'Aminta, written on the occasion of the birthday of future Empress Catherine the Great of Russia. – Wikipedia 

I wonder if Ferdinand Zellbell the Younger,

While working in Sweden, was given to hunger

To explore other places for wider exposure,

And blood that ran hotter than Nordic composure.

We read in his bio that Ferdinand Junior

Once traveled to Russia, and wrote nothing tunier

Than the opera he wrote (a success it was reckoned)

For Catherine the Great (who was then Kate the Second).



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