Saturday, September 3, 2022

September 3 - Knut Nystedt (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 3rd are here: Dorothy Maynor; Thurston Dart (2019), Adriano Banchieri (2020), and Jo Ann Castle (2021) 



Knut Nystedt (3 September 1915 – 8 December 2014) was a Norwegian orchestral and choral composer.  






















Untying Knut’s Knots


With unfailing artistry he showed a remarkable ability to adapt essential new discoveries to his own, highly personal, style, which is rich in colours and, at the same time, delicately nuanced.His musical language showed his understanding of developments in the avant-garde of his time while remaining true to conventions of his forefathers. -- excerpted from

When college choirs sing his stuff

His style is challenging enough

That relatives may find it tough,

But not so much to cause a huff.

He showed a perspicacious skill

In sugaring a bitter pill

For folks who found the avant-garde

Was fearsome, muddled and too hard.



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