Tuesday, September 6, 2022

September 6 - Anton Diabelli; Isabella Leonarda (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 6th are here: Manfred Gurlitt; Sylvester (2019), Anton Diabelli (2020), and Georg Christoph Bach (2021)



Anton Diabelli (5 or 6 September 1781 – 7 April 1858) was an important Austrian music publisher and minor composer.  






















Surrounding himself with the great composers of his time, he put the unusual combination of his musical and mercantile talents to good advantage by sharing his enthusiasms with the musical market of his time. In the very best sense of the word, he was a popularizer without whom many a greater gift might never have surfaced and many a passionate amateur might never have blossomed. – Music Associates of America website

When deciding what music would please

The musically suave Viennese,

He published some fluff,

And some serious stuff,

Take your pick, - some of those, some of these.















Isabella Leonarda (6 September 1620 – 25 February 1704) was an Italian composer and Ursuline nun.

Sister Act

Leonarda was a highly regarded composer in her home city, but her music was apparently little known in other parts of Italy. – Wikipedia

Isabella Leonarda, a nun,

Wrote music for God, not for fun.

Her fame remained small,

But to have it at all,

Was a newsworthy thing to have done.




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