Tuesday, September 19, 2023

September 19 - Trisha Yearwood; Leo VI the Wise (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 19th are here: Cass Elliot; Rex Smith (2019), Karen Khachaturian (2020), Fred Ahlert; Paul Williams (2021), and Brian Epstein; Carl Ignaz Franz Umlauf (2022)



Trisha Yearwood (b. 19 September 1964) is an American country singer.













Singing for Supper


Yearwood spent several years on hiatus from her own musical career to focus on other projects. She published three successful cookbooks, which appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list. -- Wikipedia

Applaud Trisha Yearwood, whose books

Are best-selling volumes for cooks;

So Trisha got rich in

Her career and her kitchen,

Not to mention, she married Garth Brooks.


Leo VI the Wise (19 September 866 – 11 May 912), was Byzantine Emperor from 886 to 912.





















Words from on High


There are several stichera (hymns) attributed to him that are chanted on Lazarus Saturday in the Eastern Orthodox Church. -- Wikipedia

That Alpha-bro Byzantine guys

Like Emperor Leo the Wise

Wrote hymns, from their perch,

For the Orthodox church,

Was to me a most pleasant surprise.



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