Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 26 - George Gershwin (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 26th are here: George Gershwin (2019) and (2020), William L. Dawson; Fritz Wunderlich (2021), and George Gershwin (2022)



George Gershwin (26 September 1898 – 11 July 1937) was an American composer and pianist, initially of popular songs, but later, in larger forms.










Working Both Sides

Musicians attempting to straddle

   The boundaries of musical art,

Might be found up a creek with no paddle,

   With a project that’s doomed from the start.

But Gershwin’s the happy exception,

   An exception confirming the rule,

As a man who could have a conception

   With a style that was cheerfully dual.



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