Friday, September 1, 2023

September 1 - Engelbert Humperdinck (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 1st are found here: Engelbert Humperdinck (2019), Johann Pachelbel (2020), Franz Biebl (2021), and Emanuel Schikander (2022)



Engelbert Humperdinck (1 September 1854 – 27 September 1921) was a German composer, chiefly remember for his Hansel und Gretel




















Seasonal Fare

At Christmas time we’re forced to think

About one work by Humperdinck,

As opera companies show their mettle

With the fairy tale of Gretel

And her clever brother Hansel,

Though you’d think the current cancel

Culture as we’ve come to know it

Would declare they shouldn’t show it.

The Right complaining, as you’ve guessed,

That Hansel shouldn’t be cross-dressed;

The Left insisting that they ditch

The sexist portrait of the witch.

While Independents ask the reason

Why it’s done at Christmas season,

Since it’s clear beyond a doubt it

Has nothing Christmassy about it!



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