Sunday, September 10, 2023

September 10 - Adele Astaire; Henry Purcell (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 10th are here:  Henry Purcell (2019), 2020, Henry Purcell; Niccoló Jommelli (2021), and José Feliciano (2022)


Adele Astaire (later known as Lady Charles Cavendish) (10 September 1896 – 25 January 1981) was an American dancer, stage actress, and singer.






















Astaire Way to Paradise

The Astaire siblings took several of their more popular shows to Britain during the 1920s, where they were soon international celebrities, meeting members of the British royal family and prominent figures from contemporary arts and literature circles. In 1932, after a 27-year partnership with her brother, Adele retired from the stage to marry Lord Charles Arthur Francis Cavendish. -- WIkipedia

Upon this day it’s only fair

To celebrate Adele Astaire,

Who may have been, if truth be said,

A bigger star than brother Fred.

Success led to a social set

About as posh as it can get,

And, never lost in social snarls,

She ended up as Lady Charles.

This meant, perforce, she had a castle

But married life became a hassle,

For though she had her furs and mink

Her husband died of too much drink.

She found new love, and wed again,

But was she wistful  now and then,

While living to her ripe old age,

For life upon the wicked stage?




Henry Purcell (c. 10 September 1659 – 21 November 1695) was one of the greatest British composers.  We do not actually know the date or even the year of his birth, but today has been suggested based on slight evidence, and since we have to celebrate his birth sometime, it might as well be today.





















Glass Half Full

Since Purcell composed so terrifically,

There’s nothing I’ll mention specifically,

But since life was so short, (he

Was dead before forty),

It’s lucky he wrote so prolifically.



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1 comment:

  1. Love the background about Adele. Henry, on the other hand, seems more enigmatically set amongst your poetically proferred words.
