Sunday, August 25, 2019

August 25 - Leonard Bernstein (The Musical Birthday Series)

Leonard Bernstein (25 August 1918 – 14 October 1990) was a dominant force in virtually all areas of music during his busy career.

Two couplets, a tercet, a quatrain, and a limerick walked into a bar...

Getting Personal 1

It must have been flattering when he
Said, “Please, all my friends call me Lenny.”

Getting Personal 2

Those young people’s shows on TV
Made a lasting impression on me.

And It Was Goddam Good

The glorious mess that is Mass
Exults in excess and in sass,
And much, I confess, that’s first class.


Mahler might have persisted
   As an occasional curiosity 
Had Bernstein not insisted
  That length was not loquacity

It Must Be So

Take care that you listen and heed
The advice that you get in Candide:
Give thanks for your birth
On this optimal earth,
Viel Glück, et bon chance, and godspeed!

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