Friday, August 9, 2019

August 9 - Reynaldo Hahn; Albert Ketélbey (The Musical Birthday Series)

Reynaldo Hahn (9 August 1874 – 28 January 1947) was a composer, conductor, and salon singer.  A few of his delicate songs are still in the active repertoire.

Albert Ketélbey  (9 August 1875 – 26 November 1959) was a composer of enormously popular light classical music.

Remembrance of Things Tryst

Picture Monsieur Marcel Proust
In his romantic Paris roost
Scribbling away and doting on
Pianist-composer Reynaldo Hahn.

In a Monastery Piano Bench

“Neglected's” the word
For Albert Ketélbey;
From all that I’ve heard,
He might as well be.

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